-Travel destination: Australia
-Riders to ride with: Dave Poggemann, Phillip Sabin, Lisa Rambau, Daniel Krüger aka "Knibbel"
-Car: VW Polo Coupe Derby
-Movie: American History X
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Orchid
-Bike company: Suelo
-BMX contest: BMX Worlds
-Bike shop: BMX-Stuff
-Clothing company: Little Devil (R.I.P)
-Phone: Sony Ericsson K750I
-Music: Hip Hop
-Ramp rider: Mark Webb

-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Chirs Doyle
-Flatland rider: Chase Gouin
-Old school rider: DMC
-Drink: Beer and Rockstar
-Trick: Time machine
-BMX Magazine: Cream, Freedom BMX
-BMX MC: Chris Böhm
-Video game: Super Mario
-BMX photographer: Kay Clauberg, Thomas Hirsch
-Girl: My girlfriend
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball
-Party: Me enough good music and beer