-BMX Video: The Karate Kid (the bit where Mr Miyagi fixes Daniel’s sweet ride).
-Website: www.wickedstyx.com
-Web Video: I don’t understand this question.
-BMX Photographer: My cousin Leroy once took this photo of me doing a roundhouse skidflip and it was sweet, but it was really blurry but you could still tell I was sicking out and flipping.
-BMX Filmer: Is filmer a word? I don’t think it is because when I type it into my computer it gets a red line under it.
-BMX MC: Um, spiders and the dark.
-TV Show: I liked the sound of 21 Jump Street but when I watched it there wasn’t even 1 jump in it and so I was disappointed.
-Memory: Being born and skidding on the doctor.
-Food: I eat jumps for breakfast.

-Riders to ride with: My cousin Leroy and also that little kid from ET.
-Car: I don’t drive because when I do I always get booked for doing too many endos.
-Ramp rider: Wicked Styx
-Street/Park rider: As above.
-Dirt Rider: Is this a trick question about gays?

-Flat Rider: I don’t know any flat riders. Most of them are roundish.
-Drink: Red Cordial on the rocks, hold the straw.
-Trick: No Handed Endo Skid into a Triple Rad-enator FlipSlide (reverse).
-BMX contest: Yes
-BMX Shop: The one down at the shops next door to the burger joint with the wicked sick poster on the fridge of a chick on a harley.
-BMX Magazine: Ready To Drop (it’s not really about BMXs though…)
-Sport besides BMX: I’m a really big fan of Foot Skidding. It’s new and I invented it and you basically just go around the place skidding with your foot and going “YEAH!” on stuff.
-Party: Where?
-Movie: Flipper. The title reminds me of me.
-Shoes: Once, I did a trick so exxxtreme that my shoes caught fire when I landed.
-Clothing Company: My Stepmum Knits. (this is not a brand, she really does knit)

-Phone: the cops, because Wicked is gonna bust out some illegal stunts and flips and general radness. I’m serious. Phone them.
-Girl: I try not to have too many chickz at once so I usually just keep it to three or four billion at a time so I don’t run out of sexual energy and/or biscuits.
-Music: R&B (because I got told it stands for Rad & Bitchin’ which I am 78% sure is true).
-Band: I don’t have time for music because I am usually doing a skid or something similar. I do like that song called JUMP by Van Halen.
So, what’s Wicked Styx’s take on BMX? Why do you ride that little bike?
Wicked Styx: I think it’s the fact that you can put pads and stickers on them. I put some pads and stickers on my cat the other day and it just looked stupid, and I thought “if you were a BMX I would totally flip the shit out of you right now, but you’re not, you’re just a cat” and then it licked its leg and walked into the kitchen.

Wicked Styx: To be honest, those aren’t that impressive. What makes me really proud is my mate Weapon who won four sherbert double dips from this kid at the skate park down on Moorley street who dared him to do an endo on a cop car. The cops were in the car and everything and he still did it. And the kid tried not to pay him the sherbert double dips so I said I would do his sister if he didn’t pay up and he did pay up because his sister is in a wheelchair.