How cool would it be for people to come in your backyard and build some ramps. Well, that's happening in Matt Bischoff's yard in Ohio with the RedBull BuildOff. Confused? read on. And while we were at it, we checked on Matt's Failure Bikes situation too.
-So what's going to happen in your backyard with that RedBull thing?
Basically, I thought it would rule to do a contest where ramp builders, which to me is an art form, would have a 3 day period to build ramps. I approached Wessel and we came up with a list of builders to participate.

We chose people who have built some bad ass ramps in the past and give them a chance to be recognized for it. We also wanted to invite 15 or so riders to have a jam and judge which ramp set up was the most fun, and at the same time have the builders judge the riders on the ramps they created. Everyone is super excited about the event and hopefully we are going to try and do another one in the future.
-How big is your yard anyway?
My yard is 1 acre
-Are you going to be able to keep all the ramps once they are done with the building contest?
Yes. Basically I already have ramps and trails at my house. Wessel came over and we both mapped out my yard and came up with a game plan to build onto the current setup that I already have. My yard is like a riders dream. We would have jams last summer with 75-100 dudes here shredding. Its a major riding hot spot in Ohio.
-Sounds like a good deal?
Yeah, definitely. Red Bull does a lot of cool things for our sport and I'm super happy to have them on board with this event.
-Where is your place?
Cincinnati, Ohio
-Who can ride it?
Basically pretty much anyone. There are a ton of locals that are always over here riding. Then people that are from out of town will get a hold of me and ask if they can come ride the compound. Its all fenced in and locked up so little kids cant just go back there, but most guys have a key and there is even a top secret hidden key for those who have special access from me.
-What's been happening with the Failure company? Are you owning it now?
A lot has been happening with Failure, and yes I am the owner. I think a lot of people get confused, so I will try and explain it. I used to ride for Dirt Bros and Vic Murphy and I became really good friends over the years. A few years back, while riding for DBI, Vic and I would talk about how Dirt Bros was in like 1989. Back in the good ol days. I told him I wanted to do something that brought back the basics of BMX. A different company than what Dirt Bros was doing. So Vic helped me get Failure started. There was a batch of shirts that came out and a website and that was pretty much it. The magazines put a couple little blurbs in about Failure which mentioned Vic, and people thought he had quit Dirt Bros and stuff. So basically I have always been the owner and Vic just helped me get it going. Right now, Vic is doing Industry and getting some stuff going with Dirt Bros, and I Beard am the CEO of Failure worldwide. Earlier this year, I got hooked up with System Cycle Supply in Franklin, OH to be my American distribution. Long time friends of mine, and a good bunch of guys over there. They are really excited about the Failure brand, and Failure will be in the System Cycle booth at Interbike this year.
-Looks like you've got a bunch of parts out now, what do you have available to the shredders out there?
Yeah, the frame and forks just came in a few weeks ago, and I'm super happy. The frame is called Grade #1 and comes in 3 top tube sizes. 19.875, 20.5 and 21 inch top tube in 3 different colors, made with Egyptian TAT. Each frame is blessed by the Priest of Egypt before being boxed and shipped. The fork comes in 3/8 or 14 mm. We are currently working on bars, sprocket and Pepe Santiago signature seat which will be out sometime in 2006. We also have a full line of softgoods out too.
-"Sucksess in not an option" can you explain that?
Yep, that's our motto. I guess you can read into it different ways. To have a successful company that sucks is not an option. I want to have fun and come out with quality products with kick ass graphics and affordable pricing.
-Do you have a team of Failures?
Sure do. We have some old school legends such as Pete Augustin and Pepe the Gonz Santiago, both street icons, along with Jesse Whaley from Portland, Eddie Estrada, Chris Myers, George Hoernig, Brad Blanchard, Jeremiah Smith, Zack Warden, Eric Marlis, Colin Wischnat of www.tuffbrothers .com Germany, Shain Bollen, and Jon Peacy. I'm sure the list of Failures will increase in time.
-Where can people find more info on the company?
-How long is the beard these days?
Around 10 inches or so, if you pull the hairs straight next to a ruler. I was supposed to go to The World Beard Championships in Berlin this October, but due to Interbike and the Red Bull contest, I'm going to have to wait till London in 2007. Until then, Ill be training hard for it and concentrating on Failure. Love beard
Thanks Matt!