-Website: FATBMX, ComeUp
-Web video: Mike Mastroni, defgrip; the last one from Matt Priest
-Food: BBQ, Pizza,...
-Travel destination: South of France, Barcelona
-Riders to ride with: Too many to name, basicly the guys I usualy ride with
-Car: VW T5
-Movie: Transformers 1&2, Into The Wild
-Colour: I'm a some kind of colourblind :p, would say purple tough
-Shoes: Lotek
-Bike company: Fit, Flybikes
-BMX contest: Masters/Worlds
-Bike shop: Paul's Boutique
-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Fox, H&M
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Nothing specific, just has to sound good
-Ramp rider: Mike Miller
-Street rider: Chase Dehart
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk, Matt Priest
-Flatland rider: I don't really know any names, sorry about that :s
-Old school rider: Brian Foster
-Drink: Rockstar
-Trick: Motowhip / Eurotable
-BMX Magazine: RideUK
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Grid
-BMX photographer: Dries Provinciael, Nathan Beddows
-Girl: The girl whit the tattoo on her chest at the Bootshaus party at the Worlds :p
-Sport besides BMX: Climbing
-Party: Camp Holland on thursday at the Worlds, Bootshaus on saturday
Pics by KemoBMX.com