-Colour: Green
-Shoes: DC
-Bike company: Sunday
-BMX contest: Simpel Session
-Bike shop: Master Bikes, Drac bmx
-Restaurant chain: any with good food
-Clothing company: DC
-Phone: don't have one
-Music: Progressive Metal
-Ramp rider: Dave Mirra
-Street rider: Aaron Ross, Ty Morrow, Garret Reynolds, Eduardo Walter
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: Bob Haro
-Drink: Coke
-Trick: 360
-BMX Magazine: RideBmx
-Video game: Dave Mirra Freestyle bmx
-BMX photographer: Delézinho
-Girl: All
-Sport besides BMX: Drums ?
-Party: not for me