-Colour: Light blue.
-Shoes: High tops and flip flops.
-Bike company: Hoffman Bikes.
-BMX contest: Nope.
-Bike shop: Albes
-Restaurant chain: Panera Bread
-Clothing company: Dickies.
-Phone: Working.
-Music: Slow and quiet.
-Ramp rider: Mat Hoffman.
-Street rider: Pete
-Dirt rider: Anthony Napolitan
-Flatland rider: Trevor Meyer.
-Old school rider: Dave Voelker.
-Drink: Coffee....cream no sugar.
-Trick: Still love a good no hander.
-BMX MC: Kip Williamson
-Video game: Nope.
-BMX photographer: Jared Souney. Love that guy.
-Girl: Joleen and Sophia.
-Sport besides BMX: Tae Kwon Do
-Party: All the time.