-Car: 1953 Beetle
-Movie: Saw
-Colour: every colour! haha
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Bike company: United bike co
-BMX contest: I do not ride contests but I like to watch the Simpel Session.
-Bike shop: Soulcycle
-Restaurant chain: ChinaTuin
-Clothing company: CheapMonday
-Phone: LG-viewty
-Music: Everything, as long as it sounds good
-Ramp rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds & Dakota Roche
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk
-Drink: Ice tea

-Trick: 360 & grinds
-BMX Magazine: RideUk
-BMX MC: Catfish!
-Video game: None
-BMX photographer: None
-Sport besides BMX: Bmx Racing
-Party: Every Party