-BMX video: Roadfools, Head first, Nike vid
-Website: FATBMX, vital, the come up....
-Web video: Garrett Reynolds, Mark Webb
-Food: Japanese (steak, shrimp, and fried rice)
-Travel destination: the Georgia/Tennesse mountains
-Riders to ride with: Mike Laird, Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist, Marcus Zuniga, Kyle Grob
-Car: Honda Odyssey
-Movie: Star wars, Indiana Jones, Blues Brothers
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Bike company: Animal, Eastern
-BMX contest: all the old BS comps....I grew up riding thanks to Mat, Steve and Chuck D
-Bike shop: Boardnbike.com
-Restaurant chain: Hooters (cause that's where I met my wife)
-Clothing company: Animal, Levis
-Phone: Blackberry storm
-Music: Everthing from Barry Manilow to Slayer
-Ramp rider: Dave Mirra / Jamie Bestwick
-Street rider: Van Homan / Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Ryan Nyquist (cause he rocks front brakes!)
-Flatland rider: Chase G
-Old school rider: Jon Byers (taught me so much -thanks Jon)
-Drink: Jack and coke
-Trick: 540
-BMX Magazine: They still print those? j/k Ridebmx
-BMX MC: old school- Kenan Harkin new Catfish
-Video game: the one where you shoot big game?
-BMX photographer: Mark Losey / George Jones
-Girl: my wife Mandy the love of my life!
-Sport besides BMX: whatever my son Indiana wants to do
-Party: new years eve at Mirra's house back in the day
Pics by George