-Movie: Kill Bill
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Anything I can get for free!
-Bike company: Hoffman Bikes.
-BMX contest: Old School CFB's and King of Verts.
-Bike shop: Albes
-Restaurant chain: Not exactly a restaurant: Cold Stone Creamery.
-Clothing company: Yellow Designs.
-Phone: Lg (The wife won't let me have an I-phone).
-Music: Punk, but I do like my WU Tang as well.
-Ramp rider: Jamie Bestwick, Mat Hoffman, Dave Osato.
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds.
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle.
-Flatland rider: Mat Wilhelm.

-Old school rider: Brian Blyther.
-Drink: Coffee with Cream.
-Trick: Turndowns and 540's.
-BMX Magazine: Ride U.K.
-BMX MC: Catfish and Jimmy Coleman.
-Video game: Not for me.
-BMX photographer: Losey.
-Girl: Melissa, my wife.
-Sport besides BMX: Rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering.
-Party: Anywhere where Dave Brumlow is at!