-Colour: flat black
-Shoes: Lotek
-Bike company: Countrybikes
-BMX contest: sometimes
-Bike shop: 360° shop
-Restaurant chain: Don´t have a favourite one
-Clothing company: Carhartt, Cheap-yeah (runned by a friend of mine)
-Phone: LG
-Music: HipHop, Rock
-Ramp rider: Sean Sexton
-Street rider: Randy Taylor
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Travis Collier
-Old school rider: Eddie Fiola

-Drink: Beer, coke
-Trick: Barspins, Tabletops
-BMX Magazine: Dig, Ride UK
-BMX MC: Torsten Pullich
-Video game: Fifa, Skate
-Girl: Yeah I like them
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball, Football

-Party: Sometimes too much