-BMX video: Same Thing Daily!!
-Website: Colony-BMX, Global-Flat.
-Web video: I like every videos that do UP for myself. Youtube, Vimeo etc.
-Food: Noodles
-Travel destination: Australia was the Good.
-Riders to ride with: I am usually alone. Therefore, I goes to a lot of compe.
-Car: I want the large one. I have the small car.
-Movie: Japanese film! I watch Hollywood too.
-Colour: Tangerine
-Shoes: Adidas, Nike.
-Bike company: Colony! Sequence!
-BMX contest: Toronto-UnLimitedJam, NewOrleans-VooDooJam, Japan-King of Ground.
-Bike shop: Australia-Newcircle, Japan-Caprichosa.

-Restaurant chain: McDonald's
-Clothing company: Colony Clothing, ZEROFIT-Underwear.
-Phone: Nokia
-Music: Anything, by feelings.
-Flatland rider: Simon O'Brien
-Old school rider: All riders keep evolving.
-Drink: Green tea
-Trick: All front tricks!
-BMX Magazine: BMX magazine is Nothing in Japan, now.
-BMX MC: Scott O'Brien
-Video game: I do not play a game.
-BMX photographer: Motoyoshi Yamanaka
-Girl: Everybody!
-Sport besides BMX: Bouldering
-Party: Yo!