-BMX video: Ares DVD vol. 4
-Website: global-flat.com
-Web video: Hyperspeed Jonny and destructionkid
-Food: Mango noodles
-Travel destination: Japan, Spain
-Riders to ride with: Kevin Brill, Kevin Kluger, Marcel Simons, Dave Poggemann and Manuel Bernardo
-Car: KHE Militant Pro ;)
-Movie: Princess Mononoke, Tiger and Dragon
-Colour: green
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Bike company: Ares, KHE, Odyssey
-BMX contest: BMX Masters
-Bike shop: Kunstform
-Restaurant chain: Chinese, BK
-Clothing company: Waschbrett Clothing,
-Phone: Sh*t Nokia
-Music: Downtempo, Kodó, minimal, DnB

-Ramp rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Flatland rider: Hotoke, Moto Sasaki
-Old school rider: Andrew Farris
-Drink: Caipirinha
-Trick: nosemanuals
-BMX Magazine: 20zoll
-BMX MC: Manuel Bernardo
-Video game: --------
-BMX photographer: Kay Clauberg
-Girl: my girl...nothing else
-Sport besides BMX: parcour, swimming,
-Party: tea and instruments