One-hour BMX documentary video consisted of 16 chapters. In 2015, Daisuke Shiraishi who is the director moved from his home town Ehime to Tokyo. He started the creation of “CROSSOVER” based in Tokyo. This is the culmination of the five years of focusing on BMX riders with his camera all around the world from Japan, Asia, USA, Europe and various places. Starring Japanese domestic sponsored riders, creative riders, legendary riders from around the world and riders who have been hiding in the shadows.
Name: Daisuke Shiraishi
Age: 31
Hometown: Niihama, Ehime, Japan. (Live in Tokyo now)
Hook-ups/Sponsors: CellaDoors., Animalbikes, Aliveindustry, YellBrandF.B.C.S, MOTO-BUNKA
The FAT favorite list:
-Spot to ride: All street spots don't need bunny hop.
-BMX video: BMX DVD I watched for the first time is Odyssey "ELECTORONICAL".
-Web video: "Fitlife" video trailer. I found this on YouTube and then entered the world of BMX.
-Food: Ryuho's Fried rice
-Twitter to follow: No Twitter
-Person on Instagram: @Chasehawk
-Travel destination: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, NYC, Philly, Boston, England, Belgium, Rotterdam etcetc....
Welcome to the family Daisuke Shiraishi!