-Riders to ride with: Everyone who rides with me
-Car: Yugo's Toyota HIACE
-Movie: Into the wild
-Colour: Gold, White, Light blue
-Shoes: ASICS
-Bike company: Animalbikes, Aliveindustry, YellBrand
-BMX contest: Inkyo jam
-Bike shop: F.B.C.S
-Restaurant chain: Sawayaka
-Clothing company: CellaDoors.
-Phone: Iphone X
-Music: Yellow dragon band
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk
-Street rider: Davey Watson, Yugo Ito
-Dirt rider: Clint Reynolds
-Flatland rider: KenChan
-Old school rider: idk
-Drink: Green tea
-Trick: Tabletop
-BMX MC: Bashi san
-Video game: Pumped BMX 3
-BMX photographer: Rob Dolecki, Hikaru Funyu, LC, Cedric
-BMX Filmer: Rob Dolecki, Justin Benthien, Ryan Navazio, Lino Gonzalez, Charlie Crumlish
-Girl: Asian face
-Sport besides BMX: Street Filming
-Party: 滾らナイト