Who is your favourite pro?
Bryce: There are too many that I like to have just one favorite! Each one brings something new to the table! A few of my fav's are: Chad Kerley, Dennis Enarson, Drew Bezanson, Chase Hawk and Dakota Roche.
Are any pro riders making guest appearances on the tour?
Bryce: Yes! Pat Casey, Dustin Grice, AJ Anaya, Daniel Sandoval, Colton Satterfield & Ben Snowden just to name a few! Can't wait to see them all!

Bryce: Just going to have to wait and see! LOL!
Thanks to: Dustin Grice, Dallas Light, Stephen Murray, Pat Casey, Ben Snowden and everyone else who made this Tour possible! Thank You Cult, Vans, Freegun and Lil'Mikey beeswax and Wayne from vividphotographybywayne for the photos#younggunsbmxtour

Pics by Vivid / BdJ