What park do you like most? Monster or Rampt?
Sonny Easter: I like both. Rampt is big & technical and there is heaps for me to learn there as it is so challenging. Monster has heaps of fun stuff and is a good place to learn tricks.
Are you telling all your (BMX) friends to come out for a session or to watch?
Sonny Easter: Yeah hopefully my mate Cooper Wilson may come down from the Gold Coast for it. Backflip Oli Moran is coming from Forster. Hopefully my BMX racing mates come and watch at monster.
What size bike do you ride?
Sonny Easter: For dirt jumps an 18 inch, for skatepark a 16 inch with no brakes
What brand is it?
Sonny Easter: It's a Sunday BMX. Sunday bikes are good. I saw Kaden Stone riding one so my dad got me one.
Which riders are you hoping will show up for the session?
Sonny Easter: I am hoping some amazing young riders turn up so I can learn heaps. It will be fun if heaps of good riders come down.
Do you think The Lil Pros Tour is a good idea to do something for the kids who ride BMX?
Sonny Easter: Yeah, it is motivating and fun.
Who is your favourite BMX freestyle rider?
Sonny Easter: Pat Casey and Kaden StoneWhat are some of the tricks you can do that you're the most proud of?
Sonny Easter: 100 metre monno, monster manuals, 360, tyre tap, x up, no footer, big air 180's, one hander and I always win the biggest jump contest. I love big air.
Do you live, eat and sleep BMX?
Sonny Easter: I ride everyday. It gets me out of the house. I meet heaps of new friends like how I met Cooper Wilson at GC compound. It gives me something to do which is fun, exciting, easy sometimes, really hard other times. Stacks can hurt bad but when I do a new trick I feel happy and proud.
Thanks to: Brodie Ritter for trying to teach me bar spins and tuck no handers, Jono for teaching me everything else and taking me heaps of good places. Mum for helping me get my stuff ready and out of the house. Lastly thanks to Cal, Cooper, Tyreak, Zane, Oli and Levi for being my favourite ride