Do you have friends in school who ride BMX:
Lewis Allbon: I don't have anyone at my school that rides and most kids my age are only still learning how to ride a bike or on scooters.In a few weeks time the Lil Pros BMX tour comes to Sydney for the Bonus leg of the Oz tour. Are you looking forward to it?Lewis Allbon: At the moment I'm on Summer holidays and riding parks and street along the east coast of Australia. I'll be at the Queensland Lil pros bmx tour then we are heading North to Sunshine Coast before turning around and returning South to Sydney for the stop over there.
Have you ridden the parks that are on the program for Sydney?
Lewis Allbon: I haven't ridden in Sydney and don't know where we will be riding.
Which park do you ride most?
Lewis Allbon: At the moment I seem to find a new favorite park every other day. I think I'll make a list of my top 10 after this trip.
Which park is your favourite?
Lewis Allbon: My favorite at park at home is Belco. Dream park to ride would be Woodward West.

Lewis Allbon: I think Aussie riders are good because it's got good weather and lots of parks to ride.
Which riders are you hoping will show up for the session?
Lewis Allbon: I'd love to see Kaden stone ride and have followed him the last few years.
Do you think it's a good idea to do something for the kids who ride BMX?
Lewis Allbon: I think the lil pro tour is great as there is plenty of racing for kids but no freestyle events.
Who is your favourite BMX freestyle rider?
Lewis Allbon: My favorite Pro rider is Mike Ross from home as he always has time for kids and goes to schools and does demos.
Are you dreaming of becoming a pro rider one day?
Lewis Allbon: I'd love to get paid to ride my bike all day every day.