When did you see 'real BMX' for the first time and where/who was it?
Dylan: You tube, Harry Main.With the Lil Pros BMX Tour coming to Australia a lot of the young riders get to ride together. What's your opinion on that?
Dylan: It is good. All the young riders can get together and shred with other young riders.
Who do you think is a good rider for his age?
Dylan: Not many young riders in Bundy.
Do you get to go to a lot of BMX jams/events/contests?
Dylan: No comps in Bundy. Would like to see some here.
How often do you ride?
Dylan: Every day
What BMX websites do you check on a regular basis?
Dylan: LZ BMX, TwisterX15
What is the best spot in the world that you would love to go to?
Dylan: Woodward Camp
Which Australian pro rider do you think is really good?
Dylan: Kyle Baldock and Logan Martin
What BMX companies do you think are cool?
Dylan: Colony, Shadow Conspiracy
What tricks are you learning right now?
Dylan: Tailwhips
What protection gear do you wear at all times?
Dylan: Jeans and my Protec full cut helmet
What's your BMX dream day like? From getting up to going to bed. Use your imagination?
Dylan: Waking up and going to ride Woodward with all the really good pros and young riders.
Thanks to: Mum and dad for taking me to all the parks, and Matt at Wall2Wall Cycles in Bundy for keeping my bike running nice and smooth.