- Riders to ride with: I love riding with anyone
- Car: Ford ute
- Movie: That’s hard, probably Rocky, The Terminator or The Predator
- Colour: Green
- Shoes: Vans I have never worn anything else so I don’t know
- Bike company: Subrosa or course
- BMX contest: Vans Pro Cup
- Bike shop: Lux BMX always Lux
- Restaurant chain: probably KFC
- Clothing company: I like Vans & Dead Leisure, but I’ve always wanted some Dickies pants because they look cool
- Phone: I don’t have one so I use Dad’s I think it’s an IPhone
- Music: love Guns & Roses & Kiss, good rock & roll with a little rap sometimes
- Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza; the Fast & Loose guys;
- Street rider: Garrett Reynolds; Brock Olive; Nathan Williams
- Dirt rider: Aitken; Clint Reynolds; BF
- Flatland rider: I don’t know many but I do think it is sick. If it’s flatland it has to be Matthias doesn’t it?
- Old school rider: I love old school BMX BF; Chris Doyle; Kris Bennett; Matt Hoffman; Jimmy Levan; DMC. No joke I rode with DMC when he was in Australia last time, he came to my local & I ended riding with him for the next few days. It was the best time!!!
- Drink: Chocolate milk
- Trick: Turndowns
- BMX magazine: Dig BMX
- Video game: Trailboss I got 100% too
- BMX photographer: Tim Storey
- BMX filmer: It has to be Tim Storey & Troy Charlesworth
- Girl: Natalya Diehm always
- Sports besides BMX: I’m an Aussie so it’s Cricket, footy & boxing
- Party: I don’t know but I want to one day
Pics by Tim Storey and Jayden Fuller