With big names entering, flawless lines and massive tricks, the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole BMX Park, BMX Street and BMX Flatland contests were a blast! Votes have been counted and judges scores are in and these are the top riders who will be going through to the finals to determine who is crowned the overall winners.
QUALIFICATION: Score 50% fan votes + 50% judges
To say we've been through the good and bad times with BMX is fair. Anyone who has put on 30 BMX events in a row can agree to that. What's the current state then? Although we've put in attempts to stop doing the FATJAMs at the Sugar Hills it simply is impossible to stop. The joy it brings to the younger riders and the good times had by park and street riders shredding on dirt twice a year have made us decide that the 31st edition of the FATJAM will happen on August 24th 2019. To score financial support from the local council we might name it a different way as events only get support in the first three years it is being organized. FATJAM 2.0 or MAJTAF 2019, or whatever we come up with, the next version will be off the hook and everyone is welcome at the Sugar Hills just like in the past 30 years. Support from sponsors and people willing to help out is appreciated so get in touch if you want to be part of the new style FATJAM Festival on 24 August to make it the best one ever.
For sure the 30th edition was a good one. The weather, man, we were lucky. Riding in a T-shirt and shorts was possible and Mark Vos would have ridden shirtless all day. The chilling on the field next to the trails was raised to an other level with people bringing their drinks, enjoying the BBQ by Fritskemaat and simply catching up while the music was pointed towards the trails for riders to enjoy. The cool thing about the Mini FATJAM is that riders between 5 and (uhh) 50 meet up on the starting hill and pick different lines to try out. Those courageous enough will attempt the Killer Jump. There was not a minute that the trails were not occupied and around 16:00hr Paul got on the microphone to give out the sponsor
Club ZwölfZehn was turned into a BMX party when Freedom BMX called for their annual BMX Award show. Big winner of the night was Paul Thoelen who grabbed the video of the year award, Best German Dirt rider of the year and also the Best Park rider award. Mellowpark once again walked away with the Best Park of the year Pokal and Felix Prangenberg de-throned Bruno Hoffmann in the Street rider of the year. The Best flatlander cup was for Kevin Nikulski and best Brand was for wethepeople. The Freedom BMX Best International rider award went to Devon Smillie who was not present in Stuttgart to dance the night away but will receive his award when he gets to Estonia next week.
Featuring Felix Prangenberg, Courage Adams, Moritz Nußbaumer, Daniel Tünte, Tim Güntner, Daniel Portorreal, Felix Stinshoff, Leon Hoppe, Nico van Loon, Joris Coulomb, Mark Burnett and Jan Hollinger.
Best of freedombmx 2016 by freedombmx
Der Adventsjam in der Skatehalle Aurich ist eigentlich immer super, aber die 17. Auflage, die auch in diesem Jahr wieder am 1. Adventswochenende in Ostfriesland über die Bühne ging, wird als eine besonders gute Ausgabe in die BMX-Geschichtsbücher eingehen. Wenn Sergej Geier und Tobias Wicke mal wieder auf ihre Räder steigen, um Synchroruns an der Spine fahren, Paul Thölen 3,33 m weit auf sein Rad hechtet, Tim Güntner eine unverschämte Techline in Rekordzeit raushaut, anstatt sein Sprunggelenk zu zerstören, der "Bump Jump to Smithgrind"-Contest wegen Gefährlichkeit abgebrochen werden muss, Georg Senger die Mutter aller Railtricks schafft, fast die komplette Halle beim Tauziehen mitmacht, dazu zum x-ten Mal Scooter aus den Boxen dröhnt und der Abend mit ein paar schweißtreibenden Runden Völkerball ausklingt, dann kommt man nicht umhin, als von einer rundum gelungenen Veranstaltung zu sprechen. Danke, Timm Wiegmann! Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr!
Ein freedombmxTV-Video ohne patentierten Markus-Wilke-Schwenk© am Anfang? Was ist da los? Ganz einfach: Die Videoabteilung dieser Webseite war an dem Wochenende, an dem in diesem Jahr die wethepeople Autumn Session in der Projekt X Skatehalle Trier stattfand, leider krank, deshalb ist Axel Reichertz kurzfristig eingesprungen.