When we posted the article about BMX in The Netherlands from 1956, we expected the forums to go nuts. Not that we hang out at these places much but showing a photo of Dutch kids riding bikes with numberplates on a dirt track in 1956 certainly was a good catch. We received two (American) reactions on the
post, one from
JT, the other from
TGI Byron Friday. Both were stoked on it. We have now decided to make an ad of it showing that
Joe Kid on his Stingray has got nothing against
Ton van Heugen on his Gazelle.
It's late sixties (USA) against mid-fifties (Holland) where both parties were pretending they had motorcycles. To back up the photo that we are using in the FATBMX ad, on Friday we will post an article by Gerrit Does with some more Dutch BMX pictures from the fifties. Make sure Joe Kid sees that one.
Bruce Springsteen might be born in the USA, but BMX was born in Holland.