Back in the early 80s Andy Preston and Mike Pardon were the superstar trick team of Moorecombe based BMX magazine 'BMX Weekly news paper then BMX Bi weekly magazine', Andy grew up around the Manchester area and both him and Mike Pardon-Pike- were everywhere you looked for a couple of years and early pioneers of UK Freestyle, with barely any contest appearances they were infamous names on the Freestyle scene. We get into the early days here, the very start, the formation of the BMX weekly trick team, demo’s up and down the country, sponsors, his own clothing/protection brand AP, BMX beat, multiple TV appearances, meeting Barry Sheen on the TV show just amazing having a regular slot on the 'Wide awake club' Tv show. meeting David Icke on a kids morning TV show and getting disillusioned with how BMX was being pushed in the mid 80s and later bailing out of the spot light altogether, also doing the off with the ramps on the GT world tour UK leg.
Riders mentioned:
Mike Pardon-Pike
Alan Woods
Andy Irwin
Tim Stamp
Winston Jones
Jess Dyrenforth
Eddie Fiola
Dave Breed
Ron Wilkerson
John Lee
Mike Chilvers
Mike Buff
Tim Stamp
Andy Ruffell
Phil Chatwood