Damon: Yeah - I lived near Devil's Dyke in Cheam, Surrey, which is a deep creator that (I think) was formed by a WW II air bomb…it had all these steep drops and jumps. Each drop had a name, Wall of Death, Coffin Drop, Cranky (Cranky was so steep you'd hit you're crank on the way down). I

Damon: We'd just show up at places and get stuck into the scene. Word of mouth mainly and the land line phone worked well too.

Damon: My parents were useless for that, (still in Therapy trying to get over that one). Train, tubes and buses were our friend. We'd travel for hours on trains and tubes to get across town, very dedicated lot. Used to get to some places by friends parents - one time Ralph Tribe's dad took us to ROM and he hooked my bike up to a rack that hung the wheels by the exhaust pipe, when we arrived, my Tuff wheel had been burned to shit from the exhaust pipe, I was so pissed off, he replaced it with some ACS mags, not the same, I was still pissed off. Skyway Mags or bust MAN!

Damon: Barely, I think it was one of the UKBFA Nationals - very scary stuff. I remember being on the Skyway Team and thinking I better rip this up, I have a Factory shirt on my back…lot to live up to, especially when there's Craig and Neil on the same team!

Damon: Yeah - you had two runs, a flatland run and a q-pipe run, my flatland was useless, I could do a bar hop and turnaround to ride the bike backwards, frame stand and some dodgy balancing tricks.

Damon: Half pipe no question…that pumping feeling is so magical when you land smooth below the coping and generate more and more speed. Nothing like it.
What concrete parks did you ride on a regular basis?
Damon: ROM was our main hang out.

Damon: Pro-lite / Skyway then Raleigh then M-Zone / Swatch / Stussy then Ninja Scooters - Oh dear, looks like that went down hill, didn't it???
Did you do a lot of shows, or basically contests?
Damon: Both - loved the shows, hated the contests. We did the Maidenhead show early on as the Ashtead "Rock Steady" Crew - that was an amazing show - TLB invited us, I think?? The place was packed and the kids were going nuts, big thrill. The contests just seemed like a buzz kill to me, I was more into having a good time and the contest made it feel so serious - pressure,. Freestyle to me was just that, feeling 'Free' and the contest made me feel boxed in.

Damon: Yeah - did the Saturday morning show 'Motormouth' discussing the new and trendy Scooters - it was very funny, one of the kids came off the side of the q-pipe as I was being interviewed.

Damon: Yeah, from a nostalgic distance - I'm on RAD BMX site all the time, BMX Museum, OS BMX, ebay, drooling over old Race Inc's and Kuwahara KZ-1's - I love the early bikes, cause they were the bikes that started this obsession - I bought an old Mongoose recently and love riding it around town.
If you look back at your time riding bikes, what do you think?
Damon: What an absolute BLAST!
Any shout outs?
Damon: Cheam Pond Posse - Crazy Legg's, Mac, Tribe, Crispy, Weasel, Radical Rat, Titch, Fola, Chrome-Moly Wally, The 3 Lunn's, Nige Tulula, Roy Bethal (RIP), Hayley, Mike Buff and RL Oz-Moan, Mini Nipples -
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