next bicycle race is planned for Friday 31 October at three o' clock. Again the program will be extended. Just like at the motocross race in Zandvoort, a sidehack class will be added. Dickie himself will participate in the sidehack class and we have seen his vehicle that he will take to the track together with one of his little brothers. Also we got to see the track yesterday.
In front of the St.-Michael school a track has been built with real jump ramps and ditches. Around ten kids in the age of 8 - 14 tried hard to master the obstacles (and destroy their bikes). One of the youngest speed devil was Wimmie de Haas, also a son a a well known motocrosser from Amersfoort, who took the jumps with skills. Jopie did jumps of several meters distance without wearing a helmet.
Over 50 riders will line up on Friday at the start and Dickie was proud to show the trophies and medals he gathered for the race. The big cup was supplied by the owner of Cafe 't Oude Raedthuys, Mr. B. Balkema.
Dicky van Heugten is 17 years old and is a 4th years student on the Constant College.
Translation: BdJ
Thanks to Gerrit Does for providing the newspapaer clippings.