- The
Gary Young Props interview is doomed. After
Walter drove from Seattle to film Gary in native San Diego, the first trick they tried to film, poor Gary broke his wrist. Mind you, we did the interview questions 1 year ago and were planning on redoing everything this year in Las Vegas at Interbike--lets shoot for 2008 guys.
-Props is finishing up production on 13 new episodes for
FUEL TV. Look for the shows to air in early 2007 and include tons of sections from Props, Road Fools and Mega Tour. Hosted by
Steve Crandall, after watching you'll have the urge to crack open a cold PBR...
Road Fools 15 will be shipping on Oct 3rd. This trip was amazing… Road Fools 15 hit the road and traveled across the Midwest including stops in Chicago, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Cincinnati, Kokomo, and Ft Wayne. Lots of street on this trip.