and Olympic Champion, Maris Stromberg was there to sign his come back after a long injury.
Mr Moana Moo-caille, our Prophecy team rider was there too, part of the French national team wearing the blue national jersey…Moana confirmed that he is more and more ready on his Prophecy BMX Scud carbon scoring two finals. Moana finished 5th Saturday after a bad start in final and to great 2nd place on Sunday following Mr Joris Daudet very close from his back wheel all around the track. So Mr Daudet gets a new victory in this championship and looks invincible even if Moana getting closer and closer…Congratulation to Mr Joris Daudet for this record of 12 victories consecutively on 12 rounds and congratulation to Moana for all his victories of the Sunday in qualification until the fabulous 2nd place inside this historical final!
Next race will be the World Championship in Copenhagen end of July, all our riders Joey Bradford, Moana Moo-caille and Henrik Baltzersen will be there to try to get this World title…Prophecy BMX will be there too…so if you see someone with a Prophecy BMX T-shirt go and see him to ask free stickers of your favorite brand…..