Last rider who cut you off or made you crash: Myself when I broke my wrist
Last movie you saw: I don't even know. I think it was some lame scary movie my girlfriend made me watch. Why can't she like a good ole comedy?
Last beer you drank: I actually am allergic to wheat so I can't drink beer. So it has been a while!
Last time you freaked out: Can't think of anything right now, but I bet it was when I lost something. When I can't find something it pisses me off and that is when I tend to freak out.
Last injury: Jan 14, 2012

Last race your raced: Well since I broke my arm/wrist in Jan I haven't raced for a while. The last time I raced was the ABA Grands in Nov.
Last holeshot you got: Practice last night!
Last package you received from a sponsor: Received some good stuff from Nurta Summa the other day. All the best vitamins and sauce haha.
Last race you won: Pro Cruiser whenever they last had it.

Last e-mail you received: From a guy about buying a bike from my online bike shop 316racingonline.com (website kinda under construction)
Last music concert you went to: I don't go to as many as I would like to, but I took my girlfriend to see Katy Perry. Advice to guys, there is about 10,000 girls there. Great way to meet the babes.
Last flight you took: Since I haven't raced in a while it was to Tulsa for the ABA grands, but that is about to change. I have a lot booked up for this year!
Last nice dinner you had: I like to cook, so I would say Friday night. Going out, it has been a while, but I went out to Sushi before I had surgery so last month.

Last time you scored points for your nation: Well from my understanding they only use points from the top 3 guys? So I am not sure. I hope to score some this year though!
Last words: Oh man, so many people to thank! Sponsors are, Crupi, Tioga, Fly, Sinz, Etnies, Profile S&M, Nutra Summa, and all the great people that make those sponsorships happen. Of course my family for the support and motivation, my girlfriend, all the great kids that come to my clinics and keep me motivated and having fun! Of course all the fans out there that have ever told me good luck, or they like my videos, and last but not least God for blessing me with the opportunity to travel the world and do what I love to do!