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Straight from the doormat under the scanner. Issue 7 of 2024BMX arrived today. It's one of the few, BMX race only magazines out there so if you're into racing and don't care too much about a stylish lay-out and hi-quality pics, you should pick one up. For 5 Euros it's yours. It's just harder to make everything look good when it's not sunny out every day. This being the winter issue, or at least winter being the period that things were collected, makes it tough. Especially in the UK. Add to that a limited budget to hire all pro photographers and you can see the reason why. But the mag is made with love and it's all about racing, printed on quality paper with a glossy cover. It's got a poster (David Herman) and plenty of race reports (o.a. Manchester Open, Velofollies, Caen, Oldsmar Nationals). Dale Holmes and Marcus Bloomfield have got their columns, Jelle van Gorkom gets an interview as does Benji Armitage showing that you don't need to be an elite rider to get some coverage in 2024. Rider rep Roger Rinderknecht and John Ssawyer also get some attention in the March/April issue.
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