The third stop on the USA BMX Pro National Circuit was held in Desoto Texas this past weekend. The race weekend timed itself perfectly with an unusual cold weather snap and hail storm that rolled through. Luckily the track had a roof over the top but with no walls it was a chilly 36 degree F/ 2 degrees C temperatures throughout both days of competition.
Saturday’s racing saw a strong battle between
Amanda Geving, Brooke Crain, Alise Post, Dominique Daniels and myself.
With the level of the girls class increasing and no one willing to back down crashes seem to be becoming more common.. Saturday’s first final saw
Dominique Daniels push
Alise Post over the top of the first turn crashing herself in the process and taking down me and four others. The second final I placed 5th and the last final I scraped through in 3rd place, giving me an overall placing of 4th!
Sunday’s racing played out in a similar fashion to day one. The first final I went from third place to first place with a photo finish between
Alise, Brooke and myself. The second final I crashed in the same spot as on day one, this time involving
Brooke Crain falling whilst battling with
Alise Post taking down half the racers once again. I managed to regain composure, take a deep breath and tough it out placing second in the last final giving me an overall placing of 2nd! What a weekend: #Stiff&Sore #Massage&Chiro #Bath&Rest
Let the next eight week journey begin… [BMX & Mountain Biking][4 race weekends][8 competitions][4 international flights to Australia and back to America twice][6 time zones] ….Hold on for the ride!
-Caroline Buchanan