I just missed the energy and focus to race. The reason for this is too much stress at home that keeps me pretty busy lately. I don’t sleep very well, so it make sense why racing didn’t go the way it should be…

2 weeks later we had to race round 1&2 of the European Championships in France. Now the 2013 season officially started. I was still dealing with a lot of stress at home and I’m not going to explain what’s going on, but it’s costing me a lot of energy for a few weeks now. There are some family things going on and I can’t do like there is nothing wrong, because family is really important.
Back to racing… For me it was the first time on this fun, technical track in France. During the races I struggled with my clip pedals and some small mistakes. It obvious had something to do with all the stress lately. Anyway I made it to the semi final on both days, so I felt pretty upset about my results because I know I can do much better then this!
This weekend we race the first UCI World Cup in Manchester. I flew in today, because I was very ill yesterday when the rest of my team travelled to England. 2 hours after I landed I had to practice on the track. I felt weird on the track and I’m not a 100% yet. Tomorrow we have time trials. I hope to feel better after a good night of sleep.
-Raymon van der Biezen