I started racing at some national races when I was about 9 and I won my age group for the year. This success led my parents to take me around the country to see if I could compete with the best and get myself on a sponsored team. I ended up winning the Overall Amateur #1 Girl Title at age 10 that next year (2001) and getting on my first sponsored team. I won 3 more of those overall amateur titles in the

After making these living changes, giving up my other sports (gymnastics and track and field), and focusing on my BMX progression, I gradually progressed my way into more and more World Cup International finals and podium results. Although injury side lined me for both winter 2010 and the first 6 months of our London Olympic qualifying process (2011/12), 2012 gave me some career highlights. I managed to

I wake up and remember how lucky I am to continue being able to do what I love, and to have had my current sponsors stick behind me through the ups and the downs the past few years. Those sponsors include both Redline Bicycles and JBL Audio, with Oakley, Troy Lee Designs, ONYX and Tangent Products in tow. I am also supported by the USA Cycling program at international events.

At the gym, what workouts do you find beneficial, and are there workouts that are useless for racing? Well I try to avoid the useless ones! haha. We're a sprinting sport that requires us to be reactive, so most exercises and lifts in my program are done at a maximal speed and improve body awareness. AKA, less quantity and more intense. You'd have to look for me in the free weights and cross training areas at the gym because you won't find me on the treadmill!

I’ve been told to do a lot of sprints, in order to get faster, so Dawn Robins asked “How often does she do sprints???”. Sprints are a big part of my training both on and off the track because they build such specific strength. Of course we do different amounts of certain training at different times in the year, but I would say I generally spend 3-4x as much time on my bike training than in the gym.
Plank 4.0 #risky #idothewobble @athorkildsen What’s your general nutrition advice, are there foods that you’ve cut out completely, what are things that you eat to maintain and feed your muscles? Obviously I don't try to eat too many sweets and "garbage" food as you need to have the proper fuel in your body to have the energy to get the

"Pre-race nutrition--fast fuel for explosive energy is what I would like to know.” - Maureen Galivan I do enjoy some coffee or caffeine and sugars around race and training time. I like to keep it simple..supplements can be scary for drug tested athletes!
“I'd love to know if she eats/drinks specific things the night before and day of a big race” Nikita Ducarroz. I'm not too superstitious about stuff like that, I generally don't load up on red meat the night before a race. I'd go for something a bit easier on the digestive system. But honestly, when it comes to the day of a big event, whatever is going to comfort you and make you happy and relaxed is the best thing to eat. As long as you generally have a good diet, put the work into your training, and have a clear head to compete, what you eat right before is not

"What is your position on refined sugar?" – Anonymous. It's definitely not something you should be consuming every meal, but like I said, everything in moderation is okay. Having a little dessert isn't going to kill you if you put all the right nutrients in first.
"What is your advice for parents of a young female racer." - Pat Fisher. Let her enjoy riding her bike everywhere! Work on skills riding curbs, skateparks, tracks, everywhere! Race the boys and beat 'em. At the end of the day, we are all trying to ride as much like boys as we can and we should learn from them. I know first hand a lot of girls don't spend enough time on their bikes as kids and it makes it harder to learn things in the long run. Trust me, taking spills hurts a lot more when you get a bit older and fear sets in!
Do you have any final words for aspiring racers? ENJOY WHAT YOU DO! While training, racing, getting knocked down and back up again can all be tough at times, if you love what you're doing it will never feel like a job.

Photo Credit: Bart de Jong/EBC
Twitter/Instagram: @alisepost11
Facebook: "Alise Post" Fan Page
This interview was submitted by Beatrice Trang of Magnolia BMX, an all girls website.