Steven: Getting banned was not a big deal because It was at the end of the season so I believe I only missed Reno in January. I learned from it though and it's something that won't happen again.
How did it feel to be welcomed back by the BMX family after a rough time in your life?
Steven: It feels so good to be welcomed back. BMX is everything to me right now and being given a second chance doesn't happen to everybody and I'm doing everything possible to achieve my goals.

Steven: My style comes from a variety of things. I have been riding dirt bikes and anything else with 2 wheels since age 3 and started studying riders like Thomas Allier, Mario Soto, Kyle Bennett, Jeremy McGrath, Kevin Windham at a very young age. I try to take a little bit from each of these riders and change it to my own style.

Steven: My Dkoi frame weighs 3lbs 12oz and my bike in total is 19.5lbs. I don't trip on weight to much I like my bike to feel as solid as possible. I just love throwing my bike around !
What team are you on these days and what do they do for you?
Steven: I ride for Dkoi Bikes with Derek Sipkoi who also owns and runs everything including Alius products. It's a rider owned company and Derek and I do all the designing, testing, and development before releasing it to the public. All frames are USA made. Derek does everything he can for me and I appreciate every bit of support.

Steven: Red Bull Revolution was the most fun I have ever had at an event. I have to thank Johan Lindstrom for believing in me and giving me that last minute invite and Tom Ritz for building one hell of a track. It was a no pressure event and all the athletes were just shredding and having a good time. So excited for next year. !
What trails do you hit on a regular basis?
Steven: There are many spots I ride. Check my Instagram @steven943cisar and you see the spots I shred.
What's your local track?
Steven: Sycamore BMX or Whittier Narrows BMX. I don't stick with one track though and will change it up week to week hitting 3-4 different tracks. All So Cal tracks are local and home for me.

Steven: My plans for 2014 are to keep progressing and be the best person and rider that I can possibly be. I will be at a lot more events next year and plan to race as many UCI SX as possible. I'm working to be a top contender again and as hard as I'm working and training there is no reason that I can't make that happen. Next race though is Chula SX later this month.
Any thank you's you want to list right here?
Steven: For sure. Derek Sipkoi you the man and I wouldn't be where I'm at today if it wasn't for you believing in me. My Family for always showing there love, Mike Redman for always showing support and love. Thomas Allier for believing in me and training me with the best program possible. Tracks like Sycamore BMX and Whittier Narrows and Ventura BMX for giving me access to train and use there track when I need it.
Pics by BdJ