Some of you know me and some of you dont. One thing I am sure of is if you raced from 1979-1986 on the national circuit you probably knew my father. My dad
Frank Lopez was an NBL official from 1979-1986 and him and my mother ran the NBL office when it moved to Flemington N.J. in 1982. We rarely missed a race in those days. My dad was the type that was liked by everyone and would
go out of his way to help anyone! The only thing my dad loved more than his family was BMX...........and the only thing he loved more than BMX was the people me met in BMX!!!

My dad was diagnosed with cancer in July of "05" and after a difficult struggle with chemo and radiation he passed away on 10/27/05. With the 2 year anniversary of his death approaching my fiance
Carmen has decided to run the Disney marathon in Jan. in memory of my father. Carmen is training with "TEAM IN TRAINING" to help raise at least $2,400 before Jan. that will go towards helping a select cancer patient with their medical costs care.
Please donate whatever you can.........there is no minimum donation. All donations are tax deductible. If you are unable to donate please consider donating a piece of vintage BMX memoribilia that can be auctioned for the cause. For those of you that have already donated we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Here's the link.
Thank You,
Mark Lopez