Is equipment important to you or could you basically race any pro bike out there?
Rob: Equipment is getting more and more important. Because I am a Pro Bmx racer and put so many training hours in Bmx I need the best equipment out there. There is just no room for technical failure! Our team is provided with the best equipment there is. We even have one of the best mechanics on board the team, Willie Meijer, he makes sure my bike is in top shape all the time.

Rob: It isn't just only riding my bike! We do all sorts of training, Gym, Sprints, Road bike etc. All in all we have a very complete training schedule, just like other professional athletes. And I work together with the best sport dietist (Anja van Geel) and the best sport pshygologist (Rico Schuijers) of our country. I work hard on every little detail.

Rob: It depends on our trainings period. But normally we are there at least 3 days a week. The facilities there are just awesome! I can't imagine a better place to do my training. It's also very cool to see that some of the best athletes of our country in all different sports do their training there as well.

Rob: We have a 4 person gate on a trailer, so actually we can do gates everywhere we want!! That's really great!! Even when it's raining, we can do our gates inside, by just ride the trailer inside the big sprint hall at Papendal. And I have a pro gate at home, so I can do gates at my house as well. I always had very bad gates in the past, but by training very hard on gates, with my coach Bas de Bever and working very hard in the gym with Jim McCarthy, my gates are getting better, finally!

Rob: Last year we went to Aigle, Switzerland, a couple of times, to train on the Supercross track there. But Aigle is almost a day by car. So by the effort of Bas de Bever and NOC-NSF, we will get our own Supercross startinghill at Papendal! That's very good news. And it's almost ready! So we can do our starts in the near future there.
What gearing do you ride on a regular BMX track, like Zwolle and what gearing do you ride at a track with an 8 meter high starting hill?
Rob: I always ride 44-16. Even at indoor tracks as well as on a Supercross track. I tried some different gearings at Supercross tracks, but 44-16 is just my gearing! :-)

Rob: In the past I was looking to guys like Thomas Allier and Robert de Wilde. They were making their money in the USA as a pro Bmx racer! It was always a dream for me to become one of them. But I never thought it would be possible! But some dreams come true! And I still enjoy every day of being a pro! So all the little kids out there, enjoy riding your bike, keep working hard and dare to dream!
How many hours a day do you train?
Rob: My day at the office looks like, 2 hours of training in the morning and again 2 hours of training in the afternoon.

Rob: The Supercross races in Madrid (Spain), Adelaide (Australia), Kopenhagen (Denmark) and the World's in China. These races are very important, because we can qualify there for the Olympics this year.
What are the chances that you will be climbing up that Olympic track to represent Holland in August?
Rob: That's hard to say!! We have to make a top 8 finish and a top 16 finish on a Supercross race or on a World Championship. That are the limits to make a change to go to the Olympics. I have those results in my pocket now. So that's a good thing. But three more dutch racers have them as well. And there is max 3 places at the Olympics. So the coming Supercross races and coming World's are very important for me, there is a change to make it to the Olympics, but I still have to work very hard for it! I will give everything that's in my power.
Thanks to: I want to thank my parents, Bas de Bever, my teammates, Jim McCarthy, all the people at NOC-NSF, all my sponsors and all the people I forget to write down here!