Racing pants: TroyLee Designs Air
Socks: Nike
Shoes: Shimano Sphyre Blue
First layer clothes: Nike Brazilian Team Clothes.
Safety pads:
Body: G-Form Shirt
Elbow: G-Form
Knee: TroyLee Designs
Shin:TroyLee Designs
Neck: None
How many racing kits do you normally have during one season of BMX racing?
Priscilla Stevaux: Safety Pads =1, Racing Jerseys =7, Pants = 2
What career number is printed on the back?
Priscilla Stevaux: #93
What do you look for in protection gear? Comfort? Weight? Quality? Pricing?
Priscilla Stevaux: A little bit of everything but principally comfort, I wanna feel flexible on movements during the race.
How does it feel showing up at a race with brand new gear?
Priscilla Stevaux: I used to watch the pro riders on computer before and they always had nice clothes, always in good condition and bikes always cleaned so I guess as a pro now I must give the same example I think. I feel more ready when I have everything set for the race.
What happens to your old gear at the end of the season?
Priscilla Stevaux: Sometimes I keep it using that for training but most of the times I give it to fans, or to kids that needs some race gear to race.
Do you change lenses much in your goggles?
Priscilla Stevaux: Yes, that depends on weather but I like most the mirror or black ones, I take good care of it so I don't scratch it, cause they used to be hard to find in Brazil.
You ripped your gloves. What do you do with them?
Priscilla Stevaux: Sometimes my sister sews them so I can keep training with them. Only if it's too ripped I give up on it.
Do you save a jersey yourself from each season?
Priscilla Stevaux: I use to save it as I get some one brand new to use for the season.
What’s a product you can advise every rider to use?
Priscilla Stevaux: If I should pick one for sure a Helmet. But If I could pick the essential it should be Helmet, long sleeve jersey, pants, shoes, gloves, knee/shin pads and elbow pads.
Do you think certain protection gear should be mandatory or do you leave that up to the rider himself/herself to decide?
Priscilla Stevaux: I think that should be mandatory at least elbow pads and knee/shin pads, pants, gloves, helmet and jersey. Even more for supercross riding.
Any advice to the BMX racers out there?
Priscilla Stevaux: Keep riding with love and remember protection gear always gives you more confidence to keep riding faster.