-Favourite Race: Grand Nationals
-Food: Steak or Sushi
-Gym: Sam and Alise's garage
-Person on Instagram: @tombrady
-Travel destination: Montana
-People to ride with: Justin Posey
-Trainer/Coach: Sam Willoughby
-Pump track: VeloSolutions Avondale, AZ
-Car: Range Rover
-Movie: Step Brothers
-Mechanic: Dad
-Colour: Orange
-Shoes: Shimano S-Phyre, Vans
-Bike company: Mongoose
-Bike shop: My garage
-Restaurant chain: Cafe Zupas
-Clothing company: Nike
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Hip-Hop
-Elite Men racer: Sam Willoughby
-Elite Woman racer: Alise Willoughby
-Most skilled rider: Kyle Bennett
-Former racer: Jack Kelly
-Drink: Coffee
-Gate pick: 1
-Website: www.mongoose.com
-BMX race announcer/speaker: Early days: Redman; Now: Grindle
-Video game: Fortnite
-Filmer: @maysonashby
-Girl/Boy: My girlfriend Raegan
-Sport besides BMX: Motocross and Football