So things changed since the first plans but now you seem to have a lot of time on your hands to do it right?
Gerrit Does: Yep, last year the planning and organisation of the event was in full progress, when on July 21st. I became badly ill: Meningitus! I was in hospital for 2 weeks and after that I had to recover. Doctors told me I probalby

needed at least one year to fully recover. So..... ending August 2008 I had to annouce that the scheduled Reunion had to be cancelled due to my illness, I could not finish the job. Anyway, after returning to my normal job (Personal manager) it became very clear soon, that I only could manage about 1 or 2 days per week, maximum of 4 hours per day. I couldn't do my job anymore as I should. Besides that, I had only one more year to work before becoming a "pensionado" (at 65 years on February 14th. 2010). The Slagharen owners offered me a deal: delegate your present job to your assistent and as final project, do organise that Reunion on October 2 thr. 4th 2009, that yo

u were planning for 2008. Well, wasn't that a great proposal? I accepted it right away. I am allowed to work from home, plan my own activities, use all facilities at my work and so on. Every month I go to Slagharen to report on the progress of the organisation of the International Old Skool of BMX.
How cool is it to have started your job at Slagharen through BMX and to end it with a BMX event?
Gerrit Does: For me it means the cicle is round. I do like to organise any event, but of course specially BMX, and doing this Reunion also means a personal closure of my active live in business. Again, in 5 years time (2014!) you might receive another invitation for the 3rd. International Old Skool of BMX Reunion, don't be surprised when you do!
Now over the last few years a lot of old school meetings have taken place. Do you think the time is right for BMX to look back on the old days?
Gerrit Does: I for sure do think so. In the USA BMX exists now for about 38 years, in Europe about 33 years in total. You can see it is becoming a trend, Old Skool of BMX Reunions. Since a couple of years in the USA they have a Reunion every year now. They combine it, Reunion and Show (Old Skool stuff, as original as it can be). Many Old Skool BMX'ers a

re over 40 years old, do have a family, kids that ride BMX bikes and that brings back nostalgic feelings. They want to meet old friends, talk about history and that is just great fun. So many nice but also sad memories can be shared. It is also important to have these Reunions because if one does organise it right, it can generate publicity for the BMX sport in general and the "new generation" can learn who MADE their sport. Old Skool BMX'ers deserve respect for what they did during the pioneer periode of its development.
What are your thoughts on the BMX Museum and will they be part of the Old School BMX reunion in Slagharen too?
Gerrit Does: Personaly I love it. It's also a start and I believe the BMX Museum can expand more in the future. There is so much material, bikes etc. present in a relative small area, expension will be needed in a couple of years. Ofcourse the BMX Museum will have a prominent place during the Old Skool of BMX Reunion. A selection of about 30 till 35 bikes will be moved to Slagharen. At the Museum, the University of BMX also allocate its EUROPEAN BMX HALL of FAME wall there. All those installed into the European BMX

Hall of Fame will be mentioned on a large banner. We wil dress the Slagharen BMX Museum location with banners, pictures and so on. It will be fun to watch for sure.
Next to having bikes on display, what else can people expect when they go to Slagharen? The track is gone, right?
Gerrit Does: Yes, the tack is gone. However there is a BMX track, European standard, at about 7 km from Slagharen. We will have an Old Skool of BMX event there on the Sunday of October 4th. (event takes place from 12 till 15.00 hours

) What is important during this Reunion weekend is the fact that Old Skool BMX'ers - Officials and friends, bring their families, socialize, have fun at the amusementpark and take part in some activities. On Friday evening the official opening of the weekend, Saturdaymorning the Kids BMX Clinic, we do have BMX Free-style demo's and Saturday evening we will have a party with live music by a singer and his band, called D.A.A.N. The singer is an Old Skool BMX'er, former European and World Champion. Video's from back then will be shown, a pres

entation of awards for those Old Skool riders who are Hall of Fame members (check: and that) ofcourse when present during this party.
The King Of Dirt in the Saloon was a great event. Anything like that coming back?
Gerrit Does: The KoD was in the Dome where the cowboy shows took place. Just to promote BMX Free-style we do have a demo team present called: "PAULS BOUTIQUE PURE BMX TEAM". They will perform 2 times per day on Saturday and Sunday, during the afternoon

. Probably there will be some "back-flip" action there too and whatelse? Should be fun to watch too.
Now some people have never lost touch with BMX all these years. Some have picked it back up again. Some have kids that ride. How many people do you expect to show up for the Slagharen reunion?
Gerrit Does: Well, I must be honest, I really can not tell your right now. My quess is, counting e

verybody so including friends, kids and so on, maybe about 500 persons. Up till today, by mail, through confirmed reservations at the Park and on the Camping site, we do have about 250 people. Still it is only mid June and the event will take place October 2 thr. 4th. 2009. Most of the potential participants will probably make their reservations and final plans somewhere around ending August, early September. Still some time to go till then. From August on

I want to publish a list of registered participants on
Do you have any big names confirmed yet?
Gerrit Does: I think so, some of the names are
Phil Hoogendoorn, Melanie Hoogendoorn van Deenen, Addie v.d. Ven, Anita van de Mortel, Jan van den Dungen (Helicopter Jan), Mike Hoogerheijde, Jeffrey Bignell, Mike
Janssen, Paul en Bart de Jong, Alberto de Jesus, Dorus Brink, Werner Peters, Lammert Moerman, Pieter en Nico Does, Gert Dekker, Wilco Groenendaal, Tina Groenendaal Madsen etc. Among other from Denmark
Alan Eskildsen (group of 6), from Germany
Rainer and Dieter Schadowski, Andreas Höpping. From Belgium
Fank Smets, Chris Jacobs. Sorry to say that
Sven Nijs (Super Prestige event) and
Joël Smets (MX of Nations, Italy) told me they were not able to come over due to events they have to be in during that weekend. As a matter of fact
Jamie Staff has stated he will be present. Not for 100% confirmed yet, but almost for sure
Toby Henderson will come over and maybe, maybe the first ever 2 riders in Holland from the USA,
Perry kramer and
David Clinton will be present. Through the Latvian Olympic Committee we received confirmation that the first ever OLY

MPIC CHAMPION in Elite class
MARIS STROMBERGS, will be present too. He will be accompanied by
Aldons Vrublevskis and
Janis Silins. I am working on getting OLYMPIC CHAMPION ELITE Ladies,
ANNE-CAROLINE CHAUSSON here too, but it is difficult to Get in touch with her. From France also
Carmine Falco and probably
Christophe Boul will be present. That were just a few names, to give you an impression of who is coming over.
Where can people find more information on the BMX reunion?
Gerrit Does: Well on ofcourse, but also on as well as on Check it out and see you all in Holland, October 2 thr 4th. 2009.
Photos: Gerrit Does archive