Starring: Stu Thomsen, Perry "PK" Kramer, Jese James, Tommy Brackens, Eddy King, Scot Clark, Greg Hill, Skip Hess, Linn Kastan, Scot Breithaupt, Bob Hadley, Greg Grubbs, Brent Patterson, Brian Patterson, Lance Patterson, Ronnie Anderson, Bob Haro, Dennis Dain, Tanya Thomsen, Hans Thompsen, Mageline Thompsen, Jacob Thompsen, Steve Giberson, Bob Tedesco, Dana "The Duke of Oakley" Duke.
Bonus Features: Stu's attic, Stu's signature bike (The SE STR-1), exclusive interviews with Linn Kastan (Founder of Redline Bicycles) on the history of the Redline flight crank and Redline, Skipp Hess (founder of Mongoose Bicycles) on the history of Mongoose, The Duke of Oakley on the first Oakley goddles and more!
Proud Sponsors: National Bicycle League (NBL), Oakley and Redline Bicycles
This DVD will be available at better bike shops everywhere.