Now here's a good idea that Pim van den Bos and his dad thought of. They're putting on a jam at The Building in Eindhoven on the exact same date as the Simpel Session in Tallinn. Normally scheduling an event on the same date sucks, but there's a reason behind this. The Simpel Session contest was one of the first BMX comps (if not THE first comp) that was streamed live on the internet. Instead of having a dude with a handycam and a laptop doing a poor job, the quality of the live broadcast has been amazingly good. Sure, not the same feeling as being there live, but you can follow the event and with so many pros going to Tallinn, it sure is worth watching it live. And that's exactly what the plan is.
A room next to the hall with ramps will be transfered into the Live Simpel Session cinema for those who want to watch the comp. So much better to watch it together with all your friends than each one behind the computer screen.