Sometimes you end up in situations that cannot be planned. It just comes together and feels great. The MiniRamp comp at the FISE was one of those occurrences. With prelims partly being rained out the previous night the last few qualifiers made it in right before the finals started. In the meantime it was getting late, but the crowd got bigger and bigger and louder and louder. The alcohol might have something to do with it but the atmosphere was getting good except for that one bottle that landed on the miniramp during the comp and caused a flat tire for
Ryan Taylor. The jerk got boo-d enough to let him know he messed up but a beating would have been on its place.
But back to the ramp, where the action took place. With this rider field things were heating up, which was very welcome because it was freezing in Montpellier at night. One more hour of artificial light was at hand to fit the finals in on this new Monster Energy spine ramp which was a tad bigger than last year’s mini and a little smaller than the Braun spine.