So after a pretty long drive from Antwerp to Toulouse we came there and it was raining! Not too bad but bad enough to wreck the trails. After the rain we went to fix the trails, we were done and then it started to rain agian so we just had some drinks in the evening. Next day we went to do some sight seeing and afterwards we got to the trails. Only 2 lines were running and we only did 1 because it was so fun!
Next day we just stayed at the house and rode the mini ramp.

After that we got to the trails and all the lines were ridable.
Dimitris just went amazingly fast thru all the lines! Also we went to a dirt bowl in Toulouse that was pretty sweet and again Dimitris was flying thru it like hell!
Drooze did some cool lines too.
Then we got to Lisbon about 6 in the morning looking for the old park next to the bridge. It's in a familie park so it was a great place to sleep! Next day we just went looking for some food and for a bank and stuff and in the evening just rode the skatepark and drank some beers.

After a short drive to Faro we rode the skatepark there and then we left for a small town where there was a realy good coctailbar. We found it but first we were gonna eat so we go eat then go park the car at the sleeping place then came back and it was closed! So we drove here for nothing haha.
The day after we drove to Quantera but we stopped at Sagres to do some tourist stuff in the beautiful mountains, then we drove to Quantera and had a good session at this fun skatepark! Next day we just chilled at the beach and rode the skatepark in the evening, we woke up pretty early for a moning sesh and then drove to Malaga.

After a long drive the first thing we did was wash our clothes in a washingplace next to the trails. We rode the skatepark next to the trails and started to rain so drove to a gasstation next to the freeway and had an amazing drunk night there! haha. The following day we just went to the beach and rode the Fuengirola skatepark wich is awesome. We did the beach all week long and in the evening rode Marbella, and the Arroya trails! Last day we went to the big tranny wich was awesome! and did some tourist stuff and in the evening rode the trails and
Stef ate shit trying to film some stuff!
In the night we drove back home and did a 24h drive non stop! Crazy Fabio!
Thanx to: Jeremy Muller, Nounours, Pom Pom, Pitu, Fransisco, and the rest we met!