The recent floods of the east coast have totally shocked the nation. One cannot imagine what the victims have had to go through. As a community bmxers have always wanted to help out fellow bmxers at a time of need, well now it’s time to flow that mate ship further than just bmxers and it’s now time to help out those victims of the east coast floods.
Here's an update from the recent request that was send out last week for support for a national flood relief bmx jam.

In the past there have been jams for charities or for great causes but they have only taken place at one location. What has been planned for the 20th February is a nationwide jam taking place in every state and territory of Australia all at the same time on the same day. At the moment the location are still in the final stages of being confirmed but will take place at Beenleigh QLD, Shoalhaven Heads NSW, Canberra ACT, Clifton hill Melbourne VIC, Launceston TAS, Adelaide SA, Perth WA, Darwin NT.
Support from companies confirmed at this stage are from Freestyle Now, Colony, Stowaway, Rebel Yell and Valyside (more to add as they come). Bike shops support at this stage is from, Above all Bmx, the Anchor, Backbone bmx. (more to add as they come.
Feel like helping out?
Contact SHAUN JARVIS at Freestyle Now