on the plans of the new Sport complex that they're working on right now. What's even better is that there's a skatepark in the works for the same sports accomodation too.
The spot wouldn't have been around if there would not have been enough riders around to maintain the place. That's where a big compliment comes in for the locals who have done everything in their power to make it better. At the same time the level of the locals has gone up so much that instead of having a track for the kids and a pump track section, we now have a 6 pack of doubles and even more in the works.
The date of the annual jam has been set for 12 June 2011 so we have a little time to get things finished up. But with lots of hands and a digger every now and then things are moving hella fast. The 6 truckloads of dirt that were dropped last week have already found their place. Time for some more so we can finish up the line back to the starting hill.
Feel free to come over for a ride, fun for the young ones, and the old ones.