1st September 2006 One dismal, grey Tuesday morn in mid August, summer had clearly taken an early exit. Nonetheless, the relentless GBH crew threw down their space hoppers at Winch services and grabbed their boards to tackle the newest GBH installation in Wokingham. Team skaters
Ross Forknall and
Bummer flew over the ramps of Wokingham, which as well as talent and the slick design, could also be accredited to the bucketful of spaceships they annihilated on the way down, all those E numbers can’t be a good thing, surely?

Wokingham has a fast flowing park design and more combos than a bucket of KFC. There’s the superwide, tiered plaza section with large stair set, hand rail and grind box combo. Leading into a low street styley flatbank combo unit with launch section and rollover grind box, simply finger licking good!
At the far end, the huge quarter offers return into the park and backs up the GBH trademark mini which keeps you rolling, rolling rolling…..Off to the side of the park there’s a step grind box rail and maunual pad, installed especially for either the real newbies or real oldies, you decide which category you fall in. Head down to St Crispins Park, Off London Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, but be prepared to take your turn as the park’s proving to be majorly popular with the local kids.
By press release.