If you get the opportunity to go to La Paz, there’s no better place where you can swim with sea lions, dolphins and whale sharks, ride the dirt parks and skate parks plus hang out with the friendly locals in one of the safest cities in North America.

-Ricardo Laguna
Mexico Trip Part 1 from Dalton Campbell on Vimeo.
Mexico Trip Part 2 from Dalton Campbell on Vimeo.
Lighting wasn't the best cause it was really cloudy. but we still had a good time anyways. shout out to the La Paz locals...
Mexico Trip Part 3 from Dalton Campbell on Vimeo.
The best part about going to mexico wasn't just riding...but riding with the locals. This whole experience just opened up my eyes about the love people have for bmx. No matter what your bike looks like, no matter what parts were on it, or what color it was, they just wanted to ride it. So on this day of the trip we thought it would be cool to throw a little Jam/Contest for the locals. Gave away some Grips, T-shirts, Stickers, etc. Probably one of my favorite days of the trip. So here it is...enjoy.
Mexico Trip 4 from Dalton Campbell on Vimeo.
The last day of the trip and also one of the funnest days was Cabo San Lucas. The locals are awesome. The dirt is fun. So heres a little edit i put together of the footage we had...enjoy.