On Thursday morning before the World’s Wouter and Riccardo stopped by Camp Holland and told me they were going to their favourite concrete pool just outside of Cologne. With nothing much on the program for that day I asked if I could join. No problem, so Paul and I brushed our teeth and threw some water in the face and stepped into the BAM ride, Wouter’s customized camper van. What seemed like a longer ride than expected the TomTom got us to the bowl. It’s actually across the street from Big Boy Sports (the kitesurf part) so if you want directions, google that shop and get the address.
We padded up and checked out the bowl. It was tight. Very tight, and on the steep side. But it had pretty much everything, from a taco, to extension, a tit, hip and different height levels. Seeing pool sharks ride this would have been good, but we had fun as well. Even Paul got on the bike again in the pool. If you’re a fan of concrete bowls, it’s worth a visit but expect this thing to be tight. Open daily, for free, bikes allowed.