O-Saaaiiidddd Aaaaiiikkkk!!!
After a 90-100 mph drive from Huntington Beach to Oceanside, it took me almost and hour or so to get to a Sunny Oceanside.. It rained just yesterday and my schedule at work hasn't really allowed me to ride in the last couple weeks, so maybe that's why I was ignoring the speed limit to finally get on my bike and have at least a good session on some ramps.
I found out about this park through my friend Mike Jarboe (artist friend and flatlander), who lives down here. So I took a mission and

made my ass down to the Oceanside skate park, which is practically on the beach... the location is definitely key.... this one has about 300 free public parking spaces where you can store your ride for at least four hours, which I doubt you'll ride that long without getting evicted from the park.

Unfortunately this is another
NO BICYCLES skate park.
Still not sure why we can clone sheep legally, but riding your bike on a public ramp is against the law. Once cruisin around the park I was just warming up and there my friends O-Side 5-0, showed up and gave me their speech. You have to

understand the ability to speak Dutch in America has saved me a lot of violation tickets, after a while they just give up and show you the way out... So I got sent out again, which gave me the time to eat some breakfast and try it again after that.

Coming back in the park, round two, I met up with this local rider Adam. He has told me they are pretty mellow about this, as long as they don't see you riding and you leave when they appear... sounded good to me and so there I went... as you can see in the photos, it has some great lines, nice trannies, the ramps are not too bad at all.... just maybe a bit slow for bikes. I hadn't rode mini ramp for a while so my eyes where on this pretty good 6' mini with a extension, it was located perfect... the most hidden ramp in the park, so hard to get spotted by the boys in blue. My session lasted for at least an hour and a half and I had to say that I'm coming back for

Come early in the morning (9:00 AM) and you can have an insane time... then by noon all your little rollerblade friends and z-boys will show up, to fill up the park like a glass of milk....
Nevertheless that Oceanside has some good riding spots, which include ledges, rails and another little park....