“It's an all concrete park that will be free to the public. Helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads are required to skate. Park hours will be 7:00 am to 9:00 pm daily. The skatepark is open to skateboards, in-line skates, and BMX bikes, with no specific hours for any group.� - www.concretedisciples.com, who do a good job covering many California (and US) “skate�parks as I might say.

So discovering that there was a park right near work, got me al pumped up and ready to hit some shit. Not to forget half of my work does “lunchâ€? at the park. Finally convinced to go, arriving to a decent neighborhood…about 82 degrees in a burning sun I realized that the lines were hard to find and once you had one, you would probably hit one or two skater rats on the way. It has some nice rails to start learning how NOT to hit your nuts and I have to say that wax does have its downside, when used excessively. I know I can’t always wish for a BMX friendly park…but after I seen what Woodward West did, this park could had some better trannies, too mellow, unless you have some extra rims laying around, you are better off doing push-ups then trying get some decent air out of some of these bowls. But then again, I wouldn't mind seeing Morgan Wade or Gary Young shred this park....

The 9 foot deep bowl seems pretty fun in the pictures, but once you hit the spine side of it, you end up landing in a 6 foot elbow…It always seem strange to me to fuck up a great spine, by making it uneven…but hey, that could just be me. Otherwise I guess this park was intended for beginners and intermediates and I would have to agree, unless you are a neighbor and pretty much live in the damn thing…so you can take time to avoid those annoying little skate rats. And then the street objects are all pretty self explaining: rails, ledges all the usual stuff with more wax on it then a surfboard. Check the pictures and judge for yourself...

At least you are allowed to ride…