Whilst of street riding today I got a chance to check out a new park; The ENERGY SKATEPARK is now the midlands premier skate park facility... In fact with the exception of kidderminster this is the only indoor park available to bmxers in the Midlands area making it a life saver considering in less than a month it will probably be dark by five o'clock. Any way on with the crack the park has some good lines and plenty of potential to expand into a much better facility. Some of the ramps include; a 5ft spine, a small volcano, a small jump box, a sloped wall ride (which is the bollox to learn tricks on!), a midi ramp, a large wallride, various qtrs and grind rails!
The parks situated on Tweadle industrial estate, in an area called brookside just outside Telford, UK, bmx sessions are on; Tuesday 7pm-

9.30pm, Friday 7pm-9.30pm, Saturday 7pm-10pm and Sunday 2pm-5pm. The park is similar to the old skatepark 'skate mental' but is slightly better set up. If you manage to break your bike whilst your there then the place has a shop selling the basics (but I have been informed they are planning to distribute seventies stuff) they also sell food and drink.

My overall impression of this park was that its definitely worth checking out, although the session prices were a tad too high. Some of the highlight for me were getting to see some old friends riding that I had not seen in a long while; One of the lads progression has gone into overload and he was nailing footjams on the sloped wallride, 360s and all kinds of airs and opposite airs...all good shit! Another good thing is that the park caters for all ages and has made it mandatory for all users both under and over 18 to use helmets, some make sure you take your lid! All in all a good park, worthy of a session if your in the area! and lots of potential to become a much better park!
website: Phone:01952 581116 Adress: Unit M,
tweedale Ind. Est. Madeley Telford.
More... I checked in with Nick the owner to see what he had to say...
How long have you been open now?
We opened on 21st May 2005
How's the riding scene progressing down the park and is there anyone we should be looking out for?
The scene has been good for a number of years and continues to grow. Although he is currently suffering with a knee injury, Andy Pilsbury is a name to look out for.
How do you plan to cater for BMXers in the future?
With the BMX scene growing we will be setting up a shop with BMX supplies and Freeagent bikes on site and others makes available to order. Future expansion will take into account what the local BMXers want.
Have you any plans for expansion?
We do have plans to expand the park as soon as we have the funds available, we already have the space.