DOT has been working closely with Steve Rodriguez, spokesperson for the Brooklyn Banks and the communities that use it, to share this space without compromising the vital reconstruction of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Sabrina Lau AICP
Planner II I Community Outreach for the Brooklyn Bridge
This just in from Ed Pollio/Steve R some of the fighters for the banks:
Hey Everyone- thanks for all your help in spreading the word about the banks and to those who took the time to reach out to the DOT it really has helped. The power of all of our communities who use the space has been felt and we have their full and complete attention.
As far as timeline this is the deal (approx dates):
Jan 15th until 4-6 months later- both overpasses that go over the banks area will be covered and painted (pretty much entire banks area from Pearl to Rose streets will be closed and off limits)
Once overpasses are painted (approx summer 2010) - the north ramp (ramp furthest away from the bridge itself) will be uncovered and the area that is not used for staging will be open
2014- entire banks area will be open again.
I met with the DOT this week to see exactly what will be closed and when and check the photos that show specifics

I have attached an image called "Project area" which shows the entire area that will be used for "staging" (the grayed out area) during the 4 years. I highlighted in red the area that would be great NOT to have staging in which would allow the banks to be used pretty much as it is used on a regular basis. It's a pretty small space compared to the total project area. I have requested that DOT try to change this area into an area that is NOT used for staging and to me that would be huge.
I know there is nothing we can do about the Banks being closed for the 6 months starting January 15th because that work/painting must be done but I feel as if we should still have an ongoing conversation with the DOT to try and get the red space so that the banks don't need to be closed for 4 years. I will keep you updated on what DOT says about this and they said they will take it into consideration but nothing can be decided this early on in the project.

*Thanks to everyone for your help- NONE of this would have even gotten to this point without YOUR help. *
Ed Pollio